
Morden Church of God


   1. God has revealed Himself through three persons - the Father, His Son and His Spirit.

   2. The Bible was recorded over several thousand years, revealing to us the story of God seeking to live in relationship with people so that
       they could experience His original purpose.

   3. From the beginning of time, people have rejected God's desire and plans, chosen to live for their own purposes. The need for a
       reconciled and restored relationship with the Father became necessary and so Jesus Christ as God's one and only Son became the
       mediator and Saviour to bridge the separation between God and humanity.

   4. The Bible is our source for all matters pertaining to faith and practice for living out our lives as followers of Jesus Christ.

   5. The church is the living body of Jesus Christ on earth. He established it to continue the work he did while living on the earth. We have no
       formal church membership. We believe that a person's declaration of their receiving forgiveness of sin in Christ, their desire and
       commitment to live out a life dedicated to serving Christ wholeheartedly, and to live in harmony with the local body meets the criteria
       taught in the Bible.

    6. The ordinances - Communion or The Lord's Supper, baptism & foot washing are symbols representing a follower's testimony of their
        current relationship with our heavenly father.



    We are endeavoring to be a church that loves and serves God wholeheartedly, by loving people. His redemptive love is available to
    everyone who would receive His Son and believe in Jesus Christ.

    We are eager for everyone - whether or not they attend or belong to a church, to have a living relationship with God in such a way that
    daily life brings new encounters and experiences of His peace and joy. Not always is life at home, work or at school one of smooth sailing.
    However, by joining together with God we believe He is able to work with us in every circumstance of life.

    The promise of Jesus,
     I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the
     world. John 16:33

    We believe God has placed His church in the world for such a time as this when people are struggling with values and trying to make
    sense of life. We seek to touch people's lives with His grace in such a way that God's Spirit breathes a transforming grace and presence
    into a receptive heart and mind. God's forgiveness and our living under the guidance of His Word, Spirit and people, moves us into
    relationships that never leave us the same.